I recently (though it seems a long time ago now... as I've just got round to writing this!) had the pleasure of attending the Unicom - 12th NextGen Testing Conference in London, I was lucky in that I won free tickets, so a free conference is definitely appealing! :) I thought it would be good to write a blog post detailing the conference, what I learnt, what I got out of it and if I enjoyed it... The conference itself was chaired by Donald Firesmith , he was over from Pittsburgh, and was chairing the conference and also giving a talk about the Many Types of Testing & Testing Philosophies. Many Types of Testing & Testing Philosophies This was a very interesting talk, and possibly one of my favourites, it opened my eyes a bit, and I've been in testing for 8 years, but there were some types of testing in there that I had not heard about, and even some that I knew of that weren't included (which I had a chat with Donald about afterwards and agreed that they shou...
Documenting my thoughts on life in the world of Testing