The other night I was bathing my 2 kids, and they wanted me to read them a story. My daughter chose a book on time and clocks (I can't remember the name of the book right now), so I sat down and began to read it to them as they had a bath. It was full of interesting stuff (to them at least), it would explain what can happen in different time-frames. One of the examples it gave was for 1 minute. It said: In 1 minute a Cheetah can run around a race track 4 times This is pretty cool, highlighting how quick a Cheetah actually is. Now the tester in me, instantly thought "well depends how long the race track is, I'm pretty sure it's talking about a 400m race track - but still it should be clear"... Then my son, as if he is reading my mind says "It depends how long a race track is"... I looked at him and said "You're right! It does depend on how long the race track is!" Why am I talking about this? How does it relate to Testing? Well ...
Documenting my thoughts on life in the world of Testing