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Showing posts from July, 2016

Unmentioned skill of any Engineer - Being able to Google!!!

I've blogged elsewhere about what I look for when hiring QA Engineers, and it's full of useful things that I think are important in being a good QA Engineer/Tester. One thing that is often overlooked and probably not really spoken off much, especially when hiring or looking for a new job, is something that is potentially extremely important when it comes to being a successful Engineer, and that is the ability to find out information. For most people this is being able to "Google" for something, or use Stack Overflow to find out a solution to a problem. You could argue (and rightly so) that the ability to Problem Solve is what we are talking about, and you'd be right, but this is specifically really about being able to use Google effectively to find the answer you are looking for. Why is being able to Google important? There are a number of reasons for this: 1- Being able to structure your search query appropriately is important and can save time sifti...

#30DaysOfTesting update! Day 4 - Share a Testing Blog!

So it's been a tad difficult to do the challenges over the weekend (had school fete, kids parties etc!), so I've changed things up slightly and am going to do challenge 2, 3 and 4 today... So, first things first, a photo of work... Whilst this wasn't today, the premise is still the same, this was of a QA++ training session, where we were going through YAGNI and DRY principles (You Aint Gonna Need It and Don't Repeat Yourself) with regards to Software Development, however these principles can easily be applied to Testing, if you don't need to Test for something then don't do it and if you communicate effectively then there's no need to repeat yourself, so it's an art for sure! For the listening to the Testing Podcast, I'm going to listen to the latest Testing in The Pub Episode  on my way home from work, so will no doubt include that in my next update! And finally, to share a Testing Blog with a Non Testing Person... I've chosen th...