Bugs are a testers bread and butter, it's what we live on and thrive on raising. However, my pet hate are bugs that just aren't very descriptive. I've seen bugs in the past with the simple message "Search is not working"... This wastes time of a developer who will then have to debug and find out for themselves when/where search isn't working, why it isn't working and then fix the issue. It also reflects badly on QA, which in previous posts is something we have to fight against! This does tie in when should you raise a defect (more on this in a future post), as I like to go by the principle of if it will take longer to raise a bug than to fix it then don't raise it and just speak to a developer and explain the situation, giving them a walk through if needed, and then wait for them to fix it and test it again. Obviously this isn't always the route that is chosen, and when a fix for the issue will take a lot of investigation or time to fix, then a...
Documenting my thoughts on life in the world of Testing